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Recipe for Men

Hello guys and Happy New Year! I am finally back… I know that it is a bit late in January, but I have been suffering with January blues as well as Monday blues, hehe, hope you all have had a great time during Christmas!

This year I will keep sharing my grooming tips and more food posts, so keep an eye out as the blog will have more information and more content than last year!!

Let´s start speaking about what I have been using for the last month! When I came back from Spain I had a package waiting for me from MaleSkin and if you haven´t checked their website yet, you need to do it! They have extended the range and now stock new brands such as House 99 from David Beckham.

Recipe for Men skincare

Today I am sharing my thoughts about Recipe for men, I do not know if you recognize this brand, but it has been on my mind for quite a long time and finally, I had the opportunity to try their products, and so far, I am really happy with what I have used. I received the Sensitive Shaving Foam, the Peeling Mask and the Anti-Redness Gel.

For those of you who do not knot the brand, they are a Swedish based company, they develop their product focusing on one main objective, solve the common problems that men suffer from day to day. The brand has three different ranges and the most famous is the premium line, it is recognized by the passion red packaging and the white label stickers that stand out of the products.

Sensitive Shaving Foam

Probably you have read already that I wasn’t a big fan of shaving foams, and yes, I say ‘I wasn’t’ but lately the shaving foams that I have been using have started to change my perception about the product itself, and probably it is because like the majority of us, when I started to shave I was using common brands, so from now, if you prefer the shaving foam, I highly recommend to spend a bit more and get a high-quality one. The Recipe for men shaving foam comes in a very handy bottle, easy to use and easy to spread, however the first time that I used it, I covered all myself with the shaving foam, it went out with a strong pressure! Apart from this, the shaving foam makes the blade glide well, it hydrates, and my skin feels as if I applied moisturiser. This is a recommended product if your skin is easily irritated when you have a shave. As an anecdote, reading about the products ingredients, it includes Cinnamon, and Cinnamon is one of the things that I cannot eat, I really dislike Cinnamon, however, do not worry there is no way to notice the Cinnamon here.

Recipe for Men shaving Gel

Peeling Mask

I am becoming more and more of a fan of the masks, and nowadays we have a million choices. My favourite are those that you apply to your face, I love the feeling of washing off the mask and feel how my skin is all smooth and glowing. However, if I am honest, I do not like to wait around with the mask on my face, usually, I have to wait for 25 or 30 mins, and it takes so long for me. For my pleasure, the recipe for men peeling mask does not need to be on your face for that long, you just need to keep it for around 2 min and after you massage it gently in circles, it is very strong, and you can feel the granules rubbing your skin, this is perfect to remove the dead skin cells, for this reason I would not recommend to use it if you have sensitive skin or very irritable skin. The packaging recommends using it twice a week, however, if you are using a scrub during the week I would recommend just to use once a week.

Recipe for Men Peeling Mask

Anti-redness Gel

This was my first time that I have used an anti-redness product, to be honest, gratefully I do not have much redness, and I do not even know if I could call it redness, I just have my cheeks a bit pinky. I have been using the recipe for men gel for a couples of weeks applying it during the morning and my skin has not changed much, reading about it, in order to get the best results I should have been using it twice a day, but as I mentioned before, I don’t really have redness on my face, so as the other product has worked well for me, I would recommend giving it a go with this one and you can let me know how it works for you.

Recipe for Men Anti-Redness

Thanks again to Maleskin for sending me these products and let me know if you have tried them yourself and which one is your favourite and how they work for you.


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