This is the second product that I have received from Foreo, the first was the toothbrush, that comes with me everywhere. This new product surprised me when I used it for the first time! I have seen the results so quickly that I thought that it couldn’t be real! But yes, my skin looks better already!

The LUNA mini 2 is an enhanced T-Sonic™ face brush with eight adjustable intensities for a fully customizable cleansing experience. The updated 3-zone face brush is optimized for all skin types, so you don’t have to worry if you have a combination, oily or dry skin.
The FOREO LUNA mini 2 is more effective that cleanse your skin just using your cleanser and your hands, the silicone touch-points will draw out all the impurities from your pores, penetrating better and making sure that the skin is left nothing short out of uber-clean without stripping the skin.

There are two things that are the best for me about the LUNA mini 2, this product is waterproof so you do not have to worry about using it in the shower or cleaning it after use under the sink, and the other amazing thing is the battery, it lasts up to 300 uses per charge which makes it so easy to bring with you anywhere or if you are going on holidays, and this is the same for the toothbrush!!

How do I use it? It is very simple to use, you will have your full face clean in just one minute. First, I apply the Cleanse to your face, I have been using the one from Gentlemen’s tonic which is my favorite, switch on the LUNA mini 2 and wet it under the sink, I prefer to use hot water but it is up to you, after that gently glide the LUNA mini 2 brush in circular motions over your face for 1 minute. When you have finished just rinse and dry your face.

The LUNA mini 2 include different touch-points and basically it is for the precision around the different parts of the face or your skin type. I have been using the thicker touch-pints around my nose where I find more blackheads and dirtier skin, also I have been using them for my top forehead as I normally find more sebum from the hair. The thinner touch-points for the rest of the face focused on my cheeks. It is recommended to use it twice a day for the best results.

Would I recommend buying the FOREO Luna mini 2? Yes! 100% it is a product designed to help use daily and improve our skin. The LUNA mini 2 is not just for men or just for women, it is for everybody, we all need to take care of ourselves and I think I have spent so much time using cleansers and not getting the best results.
Where can you find it? This is one of the best times to buy it as FOREO are running a special offer for Amazon Prime Day!! You can check it here as FOREO products being 25% off for prime day!!