January Resolutions
January, the month of the resolutions! Probably some of you have made a list, have thought or even have started a new 2018 resolution. You will find so many people joining the gym, and this is not a surprise, the summer body is made in winter!! So, after all the Christmas food is the perfect time to start, and why not? The gyms normally launch offers, the gym clothes are on sale and you feel more powerful and motivated.

Yes, probably you were already thinking, one of my resolutions is to go more often to the gym and be consistent with it. This year I have got more time for me as from October I changed my job and I do not have to commute every day, this has not been reflected in the time that I spend at the gym and this is what I want to change. I believe that this is a habit and when you start, it is easy to continue. For this reason, I started to do cardio in the mornings and I have been in the gym a couple of times a week, now it is the time to go back and do a proper workout during the week without make any excuses. I have got a new plan and I start today to use two new products.

I am hoping these new products help me with my resolution, but guys, nobody has invented the magic potion to get fit without working out! So, don’t expect to get fit just because you are having supplements or taking selfies at the gym. To get good results, you will need a good balance between your diet, your workout and your rest! These are the most important parts.
Here you have, my complementary products for the gym:
This product is a mix blend of ground oats, seeds and coconut. It is an easy way to get your breakfast ready in the morning without any need to cook or make something that takes up your time. Simply mix the product with some milk and shake it until it is smooth. In my case, I have picked chocolate brownie flavour and I will let you know how it tastes as I have tried in the past other supplement products and the flavour wasn’t great.

The first impressions of Nutribuddy Breakfast are good, it comes in a glass jar which is different, not in a cheap plastic bag like other brands which makes it a bit special, the other key point, this product is suitable for everyone, it is vegan, gluten-free, soy free and sugar free, only has 121 calories per serving and it is high in fiber.

I will be using it for the next 14 days and I will keep you updated on my results, also how my body feels taking this and the pros and cons.
My second product came from Maleskin after speaking with the guys and they suggested I try this product. Probably most of you will think that this product won’t work or there is no cream that can help you to define your body, but I am here to test this product and I will be honest with the results. I am curious and excited about this product as this is something new to me.

The prospect says that the product is designed to tighten and tone ab and pectorals and reduce the ability to store fat. The product is made with Artichoke leaf extract, plan fructans and Caffeine and Glucose concentrates.

I will be using it and be showing my first impressions on Instagram, after 14 days I will show the results until that point. The cream is easy to use, just apply on the pecs and abs after working out and showering. Buy and discover more here.

In addition to this products I got some Molton Brown body wash products that are perfect for a refreshing shower after the gym. You can find a sellection of this products at Maleskin or just click here.

Comment and tell me what are your resolutions, if you have joined the gym and you are using any product or if you have used these two products before.