Father's Day Gift

Updated: Sep 28, 2020

So it is 7 days until Father’s Day and we all are going to run this week to buy the perfect gift, we are going to start to check and hesitate, look on the internet and see so many items or products that we won’t know which one to choose and when we are ready we will question ourselves If our dad is going to use it or if he is going to like it. This happens to me every single year and I always end up buying something at the last minute that my dad looks at, says thanks and won’t use for the rest of the year.

For this reason, this year I have decided to do something different and I am not going to share a long list of gifts that you can get for your father, I am going to keep it simple, here you will just find a perfect pack that you can get, and your dad will appreciate, and he definitely will use.

I like products that my dad can use daily as I think there are many occasions to buy a gift and nowadays we practically have everything, therefore I have thought of something that he will be using every day.

This pack comes from MMUK man and I have tried it for a couple of weeks now, I can ensure that the products are high quality! The pack consists of a Liquid Shaving Cream and Razor Remedy, both shaving products that will create the perfect shave for your father.

Liquid Lather Shave Cream

This smooth shaving cream will remind your dad of those old classic shave creams, its ingredients include Jojoba, avocado, calendula, shea butter and chamomile among others and it comes in a 120ml pump dispenser that makes it so easy to use and even better when you need to put more cream and you have your hands already covered. When I have used it the razor glides perfectly without irritating the skin or burning it, my skin feels really hydrated which sometimes with other shaving products is difficult to get. When you finish shaving you can rinse your face and it will go easily without leaving you with clammy sticky skin! Also, it is really refreshing, as you already know from other posts that the scent is very important for me, and this lather shaving cream has a citrus scent that I love!!

Razor Remedy

The first impression of the Razor Remedy was strong! It kicks your skin strongly as you can expect when you are using aftershave, this is probably because it is made Acetylsalicylic Acid and Isopropyl Alcohol, but do not get scared, it does not burn your face, it is the other way around, it calms you from the shaving immediately as it reduces redness and irritation. This rarely happens to me, but with this product I did not have to apply a second time as my skin was perfect and It did not feel itchy. The same as the previous product, it comes in a 120ml pump dispenser.

Let me know if you decide to buy this pack or what is the present that you have in mind for your father!!
